Battlefield 2042

Battlefield 2042 Dev Tracker

11 Oct


Originally posted by Tyler1997117

So it was intentional.. when yesterday the CM said it wasn't?

Weekly Mission calculation was not.


Originally posted by T0TALfps

Hey folks,
I just wanted to take a quick moment as I wrap up for the day that we will be looking to communicate on this more in-depth tomorrow. I do not want to speak fully about it until we have done a full investigation, but this gain rate does not appear to be intentional.

Again, we'll follow up as soon as possible. We hope you're having a fun time on Redacted in the meantime :)

Hey all,
Following up on this from lastnight, thank you for allowing us the time to investigate and put changes in place!

10 Oct


Hey folks,
I just wanted to take a quick moment as I wrap up for the day that we will be looking to communicate on this more in-depth tomorrow. I do not want to speak fully about it until we have done a full investigation, but this gain rate does not appear to be intentional.

Again, we'll follow up as soon as possible. We hope you're having a fun time on Redacted in the meantime :)



I am investigating this with the team at the moment, but I have already heard back that this may be a translation error. It appears that it's earnable total of 1,300 BFC, not related to the Ultimate Battle Pass.

I will follow up where possible, but we are checking in on it :)



Originally posted by Dissentient

The problem with friday launches is that if you screw something up, there's no one in the office to fix it until monday.

This is true! We want to ensure we can have all teams on standby in case something goes wrong :)


As it's new, it will take a while to understand the layout of the map. You'll be more aware where the danger can come from once you've played a few times.


As mentioned, try to play a match. Will forward to our team to check out just in case.


You'll still need to play to unlock it. However, you don't need to purchase the Battle Pass.


Join the team in a new Podcast episode for an overview of everything new in Battlefield 2042's Season 6: Dark Creations.

Listen to Inside Battlefield on Spotify, or YouTube:

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07 Oct


"It's the start of a new Season, with a really good CQC map, let's celebrate and open the gates!" > "The lack of players is real".

It's not always a bad thing. Everyone is excited about Redacted, so why not let others share in that excitement? :)

06 Oct


Originally posted by DontGearTheReaper

Nerfing the MCS 880 even more? Seriously DICE?



This is in reference to the flinch behavior that Dozer already has in the game. Dozer flinches from direct hits from the likes of... tank shells or other heavy projectiles. This is not referring to standard ammunition.


Aim Assist is a norm in modern gaming, it isn't going anywhere.

These changes are improvements to the controller experience, be it plugged into a console or a PC. These changes, however, are not, overpowered and are done with a very fine sense of diligence and carefulness to ensure that there is balance with the things we are doing.

They are being made to provide some relief when going up against mouse inputs which have far larger sensitivity options and the ability for pinpoint accuracy and to make cross-play a fairer experience.

I know that some see Aim Assist as a negative, but they truly are not going anywhere within multiplayer games and it is something that as a gamer, we need to be accepting of.

And being quite honest, when it comes to seeing such toxicity, you shouldn't let this get to you. Everyone has their opinion, that won't ever change, but sometimes you have to focus on what is good for you and what you are enjoying in regards to ...

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Originally posted by ExploringReddit84

The map looks like it's far too small even for 64 players, but hey, people liked metro 64p to statfarm so why not.

24/7, Max Ticket Servers...


Originally posted by RenTroutGaming

> while Crawford will have a completely new Specialist Trait called Deep Pockets which provides an extra rocket to shoulder-fired launchers.

This is honestly a really great trait and will get me picking Crawford a LOT more often.

The people wanted more rockets for Engineers! Crawford is now your guy capable of doing just that.


Originally posted by reklic

Lol, 3 years and still no mouse and keyboard for consoles

We have no plans to implement Mouse and Keyboard functionality on Console for Battlefield 2042. We've stated this multiple times :)


Originally posted by lv4_squirtle

Is the new map available in 128 conquest?

Redacted is built with 64-player rotations in mind, however, there is always the option to dial the chaos and gameplay up even further by turning the dial up in Battlefield Portal.


Due to the large amount of changes taking place, we have hit character count on Reddit. Below is the final part of our Update 6.0 notes!

Click here for Part 1:

Gadgets & Specialists

  • Fixed an issue that caused the smoke grenade to allow explosive damage to bleed through walls.
  • ...
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Welcome to Season 6: Dark Creations!

Master the unknown. Grab your squad and embrace your fears in the claustrophobic close-quarters battles of this new Season. Get a full look of everything that’s new below.

//The Battlefield Team

What’s new in Season 6?

Here is an overview of the new content, alongside highlights for changes and improvements:

  • New Map: Redacted
  • New Weapons: G428, L9CZ and VHX D3
  • New Gadgets: Ammo & Medical Pouches
  • ...
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