PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Dev Tracker


02 May

27 Apr

What are the most important bits of info new players should pay attention to today?

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Originally posted by insekzz

Can you even use the ducati skin in game or just pre game lobby?

Yes, you have to equip it in the customization screen then equip it manually onto the bike in game with "H" (special action button)

25 Apr

P.S. It's cheaper to buy a Herman Miller Embody chair than complete that temporary event which will reward you with a nameplate for your in-game profile.

Treat your back instead!

Getting all 6 Ducati skins to complete the "The Collector" event and obtain the Ducati nameplate will set you back upwards of 1700 dollars (luck from the lootboxes not included in the calculation).

But regular players don't know that because the system is hard to understand by design and meant to make you not know how much you've spent!

Some people may end up attempting to buy one or more skins and realize they can't actually afford them halfway through.

18 Apr

14 Apr

Originally posted by InternationalNotice3

There was a stack of 30 5.56 bullets. Before you would only have panzers and bolt actions and scopes right?


Originally posted by Ok_Anteater7360

i was so ready to grind out a crafters pass for the ducati and then they just put it behind a paywall, huge L

Me too, but this way is better. I spend no money on the whole thing and forget it exists. It hurt and was disappointing in the first 2 days but now I no longer care for it.

Originally posted by PhoqueMcGiggles

I honestly hope that this is a record low turn out for collabs so that maybe they will drop the prices for events. They make the gambling system so outrageous


13 Apr

11 Apr

Originally posted by BringBackEMTGearPUBG

Sitting under a tree next to jadena city! What a nice peaceful break in nature! Wow the sun is warm in rondo! My AK barrel is getting too hot! Better finish my energy drink boost before it gets too warm!

Admiring the fresh Erangel air from my military island apartment building! The sun is really shining today! #Blessedtobeapubgplayer

Randomly spotted the first two obliviously obvious bots while reading a post earlier and it got me wanting to see if there were any more and what do you know, they are in a lot of these posts.

Are positive feedback bots a new social media meta?

10 Apr

Originally posted by imDudekid

Steve, didn’t you used to work for PUBG? What is the thought process behind making these things this sort of unlock system? Wouldn’t they just make more money if they did a Fortnite style shop where you can pay a straight 20 bucks for the bike skin? I know it’s not 300, but surely more people would pay a 20 for it than this

Theres consumer friendly monetization models and then theres this. Whale friendly models. These are more prevalent in the Asian regions and are considered "normal" there. Although I don't know if that is true because I don't live there. I was never a fan of anything that pissed off the regular player. I share the same opinion re fortnite skin store!

Originally posted by ItsLlama

I'd pay tbat for something like a f40 or mclaren f1 but f**k that for a bike

I already own the unicorn bike and both pcs bike skins so can hapoily skip this

I got the mclaren with just the pass tokens last time and got the aston db12 for like $30 this is taking the piss

Unicorn bike ftw!

09 Apr

Please correct me if I'm wrong on any of the math. I'm no mathmagician but, I gotta say, I am not a fan of the way this was made. Hopefully this helps bring you some clarity on how expensive this collab is.

  • This is the first time we didn't get a crafter pass alongside a skin collab, so we aren't getting thousands of tokens for "free" from leveling a pass, which means we "have to" spend hundreds of dollars instead.
  • Looks like PUBG just removed the biggest source of token acquisition from their collaboration events and put in the "step-up" bundle purchase system which yields half or less than half the amount of tokens we used to get from crafter passes, resulting, again, in players having to spend a sh%t ton more money to get any of the collab skins.