EVE Online Community Team

EVE Online Community Team

24 May

Greetings spacefriends,

We’re back with another edition of the Community Beat. Following the last edition celebrating EVE’s 21st birthday, we’re back to our regularly scheduled broadcast celebrating all the exceptional creations, generations, variations, and sensations (maybe some abbreviations, too, at this point..) that you’ve all been working on and coming up with!

NPSI.Rocks (and occasionally.. rolls) - Shrinkwrapped 300!

NPSI.rocks ...

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10 May

o7 capsuleers, and welcome back to a special birthday edition of the Community Beat! This week, we celebrated EVE's 21st birthday and learned more about EVE Equinox through our In Focus series. June 11th can't come soon enough!!

For those still reeling from Admiral Noir’s Spiced Rum at our anniversary bash, don’t worry—you can turn off camera shake in the settings menu.

This week we've got some Capsuleer Day info for you, some tools to help you master ship fitting, some EVE-inspired music, and more. Crack open a refreshing Starsi Blast, and let's go!


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26 Apr

o7 Capsuleers, welcome back to another episode of the Community Beat, the home of happenings across New Eden!

The community has been a hive of activity since the last edition of the Community Beat! We've had a few sizeable battles across the universe, but last Saturday seemed popular with many of you! Rixx Javix, alongside those of Stay Frosty and Lucifers Hammer, hosted their Frigate Free 4 All that we included in the last beat, and we saw several thousand ships destroyed in the conflict. Whilst battle was spread across the system, even the station undock was littered with the aftermath of the conflict!

FFA Undock

We also had a sizeable skirmish ...

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12 Apr

Welcome back to the Community Beat, your source for what is going on in the EVE Community!

Get ready for an action-packed update! We've got the scoop on player meetups, exciting Twitch Drops, sizzling hot drop videos, stunning 3D-printed masterpieces, and introductions to the newest members of the EVE Online Partnership Program!

To prepare for the weekend, we suggest skipping the Quafe this week and maybe try out some Starsi Blast.


Anger Games 6

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The Anger Games has grown into one of the largest player-run tournaments on the EVE competitive scene, and all the action begins this weekend! Follow along live over on CCPTV, or catch up on what you missed with our new tournament portal! There...

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29 Mar

Hello internet spaceship enthusiasts and welcome to the latest edition of the Community Beat! Let’s see what caught our eye over the last two weeks…

Anger Games 6 “Tourneylytics”

With the 6th Anger Games kicking off in just a couple of weeks, Sho Menao has been working away on a blog detailing the tournament, meta, comps and in-depth analysis of the participating teams. Definitely check it out before diving into viewing the tournament! Speaking of which...

AG6 Logo... Read more

05 Jan

Hello spacefriends and welcome to the first Community Beat for YC126! Or as it's known in meatspace: 2024. Let's begin...

EVE Online Careers Chart

Remember that huge, cool looking chart of EVE Online careers from a while back? You know the one. It looked a bit like this:

career chart small

You may not have checked it out for a while since the original creator's last version dates from 2016. Well ICYMI, for the last two years the task of maintaining the chart has been taken up by a player called Mu'ad Diib.

With original creator Altrue's blessing and input, Mu'ad Diib has been updating and refining the EVE Online Career Chart and is still at it. Lots of activities have been added and there are some new features as well! For example with the interactive PDF version of the chart you can click on a career...

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22 Dec

Welcome, capsuleers, to the final Community Beat of 2023!

Between 20th anniversary celebrations, two major expansions, EVE Fanfest, dozens of player meets, in-game tournaments & events, and thousands of hours of player-created content – you’ve made 2023 truly amazing!

To round out the year, we’ve got a special treat for you! Our in-house band, Crowd Kon7rol, has released a Christmas song. So sit back, pour some Quafe into a champagne flute, turn up the music, and enjoy the show!

Contributing To The Frontlines

Havoc certainly brought chaos to the frontlines. BearThatCares proved that you can contribute outside of running complexes or scoring PvP kills. Ships die in the warzone, and sometimes you just need to get back in the action! By building, importing, fitting, and listing those ships on contract, Minmatar Fleet was able to keep thousands of pilots in ships quickly. Turning a nice profit helps, too!

MinMilContracts... Read more

15 Dec

It's that time again! Welcome back to another edition of the Community Beat. It's jam-packed full of content, as everyone has been inciting chaos.

Before we look at what's coming up, let's look at what's recently occurred. To start us off, we have 2-anniversary celebrations:

New Edens' first registered alliance turns 19 Years old!

UK Birthday

The first-ever registered alliance in New Eden, Ushra'Khan, celebrated turning 19 years old on 25 November! It is an impressive accomplishment for an establishment in New Eden to continue for so long, and we offer our ...

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24 Nov

Hello spacefriends and welcome to the latest community beat! Let's dive straight in with some of the cool things that have bubbled up from within the EVE Online community in recent weeks.

Luminaire Snowball Fight

With Winter Nexus fast approaching one of EVE Online's great traditions is making a return: the annual Luminaire Snowball Fight! Organizer Commander A9 is once again putting together a fun evening of fireworks and snowball flinging in the system of Luminaire. Now in its 10th year this event is always a lot of fun with great vibes and chat in local. Take a day to put down your Mega Pulse Laser II's and take up some snowballs and celebrate the season with your spacefriends! ...

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13 Oct

o7 Spacefriends!

Welcome back to the latest edition of the Community Beat! We hope that everyone is now back to full strength following Fanfest, the community certainly seems to be buzzing with what's coming up in Havoc and we're excited to see it! But without further ado, let us get into it!

Upcoming in and out-of-game events!


Social events are at the heart of the community in New Eden. Be it in-game or out (like Fanfest pictured above), there's normally something going down somewhere!


Coming up soon on October 28th is EVE in Vienna! It's not too late to join, it's pos...

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29 Sep

Hello everyone,

We have now gone through a week of recovery following Fanfest 2023 where we celebrated the 20 year anniversary of EVE Online together in Iceland. There were a number of celebrations and revelations over Fanfest that will be far too many to fully go into in our little Community Beat but these are some of the highlights from the EVE Online community that took place over Fanfest week.

CSM 18

We brought back the tradition of announcing the next CSM at Fanfest which was done at the start of the event during the welcome ceremony. There were a few things to celebrate as the torch gets passed, firstly the voter turnout for this years was above all expectations, including our own. There were 47,115 votes that went to the voting booth in this years election and it is always great to see the passion that still remains, and now grows for our great institution that is the CSM.

CSM18... Read more

01 Sep

o7 everyone!

It's only been two weeks since the last Community Beat, but the developments across New Eden in that time have been explosive! It's a packed-full-of-goodness Community Beat so let's get right into it!

Council of Stellar Management 18

First of all, CSM 18 campaigning is in full swing! Tonight (in fact, right now) and over the next 2 days, CCP will be interviewing CSM 18 candidates on our ...

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18 Aug

Hello spacefriends and welcome to the latest Community Beat! Lets take a look at some of the cool things that are going on across the community:

Nottingham Player Meet

Since several CCPers were in staying on in Nottingham between AT weekends we decided to put together a player meetup while we were in town. Hosted at the Bunkers Hill pub in Hockley we had expected maybe 20 or 30 people to turn up but in the end over 60 people came out to hang out for the evening, enjoy a few ales and talk about our favourite hobby - internet spaceships!

CCP Zelus, CCP Bee, CCP Swift, CCP Kestrel, CCP Overload and CCP Convict were all there along with members of the EVE_NT AT crew. We also had current, former and prospective CSM members and one of our hard-working ISD volunteers joining us too.

Some lucky players took home stunning Lloyd George watercolor prints featuring ships such as the Widow, Drekevac and Hel, as well as Rifter USB hubs. We had a great time meeting everyo...

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04 Aug

Hello everyone and welcome to the latest Community Beat!

The beating heart of New Eden, all of you, the community, continues to pump ever harder, never missing a beat, pushing forward, strengthened by endless vigilance and progress.

Let us have a look at some of the things that have happened in the community since the last beat:

CSM 18 Submissions opened!

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The submissions for those interested in running for election this year to join the ...

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21 Jul

Hello spacefriends and welcome to the latest Community Beat! New Eden never slows down and neither do you! Once again we’re spoiled for exciting developments from the community to talk about but here are some of the highlights that caught our attention over the last two weeks:

Guristas and Angel Cartel Data Fragments

Eagle-eyed EVE players have recently noticed that certain Guristas and Angel Cartel NPCs are dropping data fragments that, when stitched together, seem to show schematics of unfamiliar ships.

One such capsuleer is HongsamCandy who has been collecting fragments of a Guristas ship and by reconstructing them has hit upon what appears to be some kind of destroyer-class vessel, apparently based on the Corax hull:

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19 Jul

Diplomatic capsuleers,

CSM season is finally upon us! In our last CSM update, we informed you about the extended term for CSM 17 and its impact on CSM 18. Now, we are eager to share key dates for the CSM 18 elections, insights about the CSM 17 term, and an exciting update for the CSM! Let’s dive in!


If you're new to CSM and the operations and functions it encompasses during elections, we encourage you to check out ...

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07 Jul

Welcome back spacefriends to the latest installment of the Community Beat!

In this episode we'd like to shine the spotlight on a wide variety of subjects, ranging from PI management tools, a spreadsheet assisted mining video, a Dev interview on Economy post Viridian, a PVP video & a new NPSI hub!

Starting off, let's talk about Planetary Interaction. Do you ever forget to restart extractions on your planets? I do. Reddit user snipereagle did too so he decided to create a PI management and reminder tool and he decided to make that tool public. You can head over to his ...

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23 Jun

Welcome back Capsuleers to the latest Community Beat!

You have been exceptionally busy since the Viridian expansion! It has been a blast watching you check out the updated Marauders, SKIN your structures, dominate the Homefront Operation sites, set goals for corporations, and master the new Excel add-in. We want to celebrate your achievements and check out all the amazing stories you’ve generated, while looking forward to some events that you can still participate in.

Tranquility Trading Explosion!

The Tranquility Trading Tower has stood towering over the Jita gate in Perimeter since October 15, 2018. After Viridian, new policy dictated that XL structures could no longer be anchored in high-sec. Immediately following this announcement The Initiative declared their opposition to the structure and declared war. Shortly thereafter, the TTC - owners of the Tranquilty Trading Tower and other structures throughout high-sec – agreed to dissolve their long-standing ag...

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09 Jun

Greetings spacefriends!

Welcome to another edition of the Community Beat, where we shine the spotlight on recently made community Art and Videos that have been on our radar. Starting off, we'd like to showcase a watercolor painting from Lloyd George, aka El Geo, of a Machariel.


Lloyd does such a fantastic job of capturing the essence of the ship he's painting, with each new project blowing us away. If you want to see more of his work, or possibly pick up a piece for your wall, then head over to his website: ...

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12 May

This edition of the Community Beat will be different as we take a moment to remember a dedicated friend our community has recently lost.

Vale ISD Dorrim Barstorlode and Bernie Nator

It is with a heavy heart that we write to inform you of the untimely passing of one of our esteemed community members and ISD volunteers, known in-game as Bernie Nator and ISD Dorrim Barstorlode.

Bernie was a stalwart in the EVE tournament scene and an active player within wormhole space. Bernie was a friend, mentor, and a beacon of positivity to everyone who had the good fortune of interacting with him. He was renowned for his friendly demeanor and camaraderie, making the universe of New Eden a welcoming place for both new and seasoned players.

His alter ego - ISD Dorrim Barstorlode - was a tireless contributor to our ISD volunteer program which he was a part of for over a decade. As a moderator on the EVE forums, he played a vital role in ensuring our community remained a resp...

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