Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles Dev Tracker

11 Feb

09 Feb


Originally posted by dwarfmines

Will there be a DLC release to coincide with the patch?

No, we will let you know about new DLCs as soon as we have more info to share :)

08 Feb


Hello Exiles and happy Friday!

Hopefully all of you have some free time ahead for playing or enjoying other activities.In good tradition, we wanted to quickly update on what you can expect for next week:


On Monday afternoon CET we do have a patch for both PS4 and Xbox One. These are the hotfixes for server desyncs, crashes and servers getting unresponsive. We will post patch notes accor...

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Originally posted by RedRiver80

there was ever only a camel... they deleted the rest because consoles couldn't handle the horse 8)

I'm wondering where you got that information, because I don't think we've ever said that we've deleted unused assets.


Camels, rhinos and elephants should already be available for modders to play around with in the mod kits. :)


Originally posted by Aurelius_Augustinus

I can understand that they encountered bigger issues there, but falling through the ground?!

  1. Try running on PC as fast as you like. Won't happen to you. This seems to be an issue for consoles alone. Sad that the PC players who funded it with EA have to take this hit.

  2. If falling through the ground is indeed such a gamebreaking issue, this game should have never been released. Funny how concerned they are with this given alle the unfixed exploits to undermesh that are still in the game.

Our current main focus is fixing critical bugs and issues, which includes things like undermeshing exploits. We tried for several months to get mounts up and running in the game, but eventually we realized it wasn't feasible and decided to ship the game without it.

Mounts isn't under active development right now.


Originally posted by MDic

I would like to shout out at how easy they made it to run their dedicated server software with their server launch program. That is a sign of true dedication.

That's on Mickael, one of our tools programmer. :) He's a great dude and I'll let him know you like his work.


Hey OP!

Thank you so much! :) I'm always worried about not providing players with enough information or entertainment during the streams, so posts like these is a great confidence booster. Whenever there's a slight moment of silence my radio instincts kick in and go "It's quiet. Say something!" which is why I can be a bit of a chatterbox on stream.

If you guys want to watch the dev streams live you can follow us on Twitch, Mixer and ...

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Originally posted by BoDiddles3

They're going to start streaming three times a week now, they said. Wed, Thurs, Fri. I think. New calendar is on their Twitch page.

Four Times actually:
Tuesday (Durham)
Wednesday (Durham)
Thursday (Oslo)
Friday (Mixed Variety Stream)


Thank you!

That's great to hear :)
The whole team appreciates that.

07 Feb

    Tascha on Forums - Thread - Direct

OMG - these are freaking amazing. The car looks like a beefed up Beetle! :stuck_out_tongue:

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is just so incredibly awesome I don’t have any other way to describe it. Great job!

06 Feb


Originally posted by ejjaswe

Okey. I’m going to send the script anyway. Think it still works.

please do, thanks :)


Originally posted by ejjaswe

U guys do realize it’s a script causing this? Been on dm with ignasis since yesterday and going to send him the script once I get home.

We've most likely already addressed that particular issue which was an actual exploit. The reason we are still collecting info about this is to make sure we caught everything. This latest hotfix was to address another cause that led to similar symptoms on the servers but was completely unrelated to the script/macro issues.

I hope that makes sense :)


Just to further clarify:

This particular hotfix was to address servers getting unresponsive throughout the day. Unresponsive meaning that you weren't able to attack npcs, other players or that you weren't able to interact with the environment (mining, harvesting etc).

Additional fixes for lag spikes and hitches are currently on our TestLive Servers for testing and to collect input from your side. We hope t...

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Just to clarify:

This particular hotfix was to address servers getting unresponsive throughout the day. Unresponsive meaning that you weren't able to attack npcs, other players or that you weren't able to interact with the environment (mining, harvesting etc).

Additional fixes for lag spikes and hitches are currently on our TestLive Servers for testing and to collect input from your side. We hope to be ...

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05 Feb


Please don't ignore your girlfriend, thank you.


Originally posted by alexmcjuicy

any idea when the update is hitting live? thought i read that it would be late january or early feb just want to know if that's still accurate.

Second Week of February. To make sure you get the fastest possible info, make sure to also keep an eye on our official news section :)