Hell Let Loose

Hell Let Loose Dev Tracker

20 Feb

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

14 Feb

Hello everyone,

Welcome to our Mortain-focused dev brief, highlighting various changes and implementations thanks to your feedback.

Mortain is a new map for Warfare, Offensive and Skirmish gamemodes. This map is based on the US defence of the French town of Mortain, which sits in a shallow valley – where the US rallied against German troops amid Operation Lüttich. The battle took place in August 1944, in Normandy, France.

In this dev brief, one of our Senior Environment Artists will cover enterable buildings, provide additional context on Collégiale Saint Evroult and La Petite Chapelle Saint-Michel, discuss the environment; foliage and more. We want to be as transparent as possible when it comes to our development process on new maps – and we hope this provides useful insight into what it entails.

Mortain is due for release after part 2 of the British Rework.

Your feedback
I would first like to say a...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

09 Feb


Hello everyone,

Public testing is now underway for Patch 14.8 – British Forces Rework Part 2. This is the final part of the rework, with our focus shifting to Update 15 after 14.8’s release.

This testing period will run over the weekend, closing off at 2 pm GMT on February 12th. 

PTE 14.8 will feature seven maps in rotation across Warfare and Skirmish modes. Our goal for this testing period is to gather your feedback on the latest iteration of Skirmish – thanks to your feedback – on Driel and El-Alamein. In addition, we want your thoughts on how the new tanks function in Warfare; the historical accuracy of upcoming DLC and your impressions on some new weapons.

Please continue to read for an extensive look at PTE 14.8. You can find the Feedback Forms at the bottom of the page.

Thank you, as always, for taking the time to participate in our public testing environments – helping us ... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

01 Feb

Hello everyone,

Patch 14.7 is now live on all platforms! This update is primarily focused on bug fixing and enhancing the in-game experience. This version also targets some of the crash issues that console players have been incurring.

Up next is Patch 14.8 – a larger, content-heavy update that we’ll expand on in Dev Briefs soon.

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Mortain PTE. The feedback has been invaluable, and we will be detailing what’s changed in the weeks ahead.

Patch 14.7 Changelog
  • [Fixed] When disconnecting controller, players cannot use the mouse to clear the "Controller Disconnected" prompt
  • [Fixed] Lost Connection to Host dialog box cannot be navigated with controller
  • [Fixed] Focus is lost from the "Accept Invite?" prompt when spamming "request permission to join a unit"
  • [Fixed] When launching the title in Offline mode a softlock is occ...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

19 Jan


First off, a huge welcome to our new players; our recent influx of players who've joined us on console and PC. It’s completely normal to be closing down your machine for the day after an abundance of deaths, compounded by disorientation and dubious reactions from veteran players.

The first round of public testing for our new Warfare and Offensive map, Mortain, starts now! Taking place over the weekend, running until Monday 22 January, 11 am GMT.

We loved seeing your excitement for Mortain’s reveal in our previous Dev Brief [read here], so we’re opening the doors early for feedback. Mortain is still a few months out, so we want to collate your impressions as soon as we can, to ensure it’s polished and balanced for release.

This testing period aims to gather your insight on the overall level design – we want your thoughts on capture points, playstyles, vehicle spawns, artillery positioning, pre-placed... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

21 Dec

Hello everyone,

Welcome to our final Developer Briefing of the year. This edition will focus on 2024, showcasing a glimpse of our plans for the year ahead. Thank you for your continued, valuable feedback throughout the past twelve months — your insights helped us shape Hell Let Loose, and we believe we’re now heading in the right direction. Patch 14.6 is behind us, with work underway on 14.7, which will be the first update of 2024.

We plan to reveal the new Roadmap early next year to showcase upcoming content. Meanwhile, let’s have a look at some early-in-progress assets. These are all works in progress and are expected to be released across multiple updates throughout next year. The following WIPs are not an exhaustive look into next year, just a few snippets of content to expect.

US Commander - Patton
A new commander uniform, inspired by US Army Officer George Patton; a revered practitioner of mobile-tank warfare in the European and Mediterranean th... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

14 Dec

Hey everyone,

Patch 14.6 is now live! This update focuses on bug fixing and refining gameplay, with the addition of two night map variants: Stalingrad and Kharkov.

We’ve also made improvements to vaulting, and addressed some of the rain issues on Purple Heart Lane — we’re looking to fully resolve this in 14.7. Please see full details in the changelog below.

Night Maps
We’re continuing to implement more night variants with this update, to offer a variety of experiences for each map. In the weeks ahead, we’ll be giving you a first look at an entirely new map and tanks for Warfare and Offensive.

Kharkov Night | Wide open snow-covered fields illuminated only by the moon and flames

Stalingrad Night | A derelict battlefield permeated with destruction

Red Skies DLC - Soviet Airborne Uniform
The largest S... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

07 Dec

Hey everyone,

Public Testing for our new Skirmish Mode variations is now live for 24 hours on the Hell Let Loose (Public Testing) Steam App!

A huge thank you to all of you who participated in our first PTE for Skirmish. We appreciate the time taken to share feedback; the insights into your experience have been instrumental in helping us tweak and improve gameplay, and we’re working hard to remedy the issues.

We’d like to take this opportunity to reinforce that Skirmish is optional – this mode offers a shorter gameplay experience for players looking to learn the mechanics and immediately throw themselves into the action.

If you missed last week’s PTE, you can read about Skirmish, for a full explanation of what the new mode entails: ... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

30 Nov

Hey everyone,

Public Testing for Skirmish Mode is now live for 24 hours over on the Hell Let Loose (Public Testing) Steam App!

The Skirmish Game Mode will be coming early next year and we want to make sure we’re able to get feedback from players as soon as possible to action your thoughts and opinions!

This PTE will be played on Foy and Kharkov.

What is Skirmish Mode?
Skirmish is a gateway experience for new players of Hell Let Loose! This game mode allows players to get straight into the action and experience some of the core mechanics of Hell Let Loose with fewer moving parts.

This is a quicker 50vs50 experience for some of our core audience who want to hop in for a few games and immerse themselves in the battle immediately.

Players will still need to use tactics, strategy, and core tenets of success; communication and teamwork will bolster your chances of gaining victory.

Featuring a new type of Garrison - the Forw... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

23 Nov

Hey everyone,

Back into the ruthless darkness of war!

We’re so excited to see you on the frontlines in Patch 14.5! Battle on the dusk time variant of El Alamein which requires you to adapt to new dynamics — dusk lighting conditions sees the map permeated with fog — paving the way for different approaches to becoming the victor, accompanied by new British & German sub-factions (The British Eighth Army and German Africa Corps)

This Patch hosts new content and focuses on enhancing your experience with an abundance of bug fixing and tweaks.

Patch 14.5 will be going live today and will begin rolling out across console and PC from 14:00pm GMT.

Please read on to find the changelog for today’s patch.

... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

02 Nov

Hey everyone,

Public Testing for Patch 14.5 is now live for 24 hours over on the Hell Let Loose (Public Testing) Steam App!

Patch 14.5 will be released later this month, and we want to get your feedback on updates to the British forces, plus the brand new El Alamein dusk map.

Work In Progress
These PTE sessions are a way for you as a community to feedback on Hell Let Loose work in progress, which means we can look to implement your feedback before a patch or update is released. Although we can currently only hold public testing sessions on PC, we encourage everyone to take part to be able to share feedback.

Streaming & Recording PTE Sessions
You are welcome to both stream and record PTE footage, but as these sessions are showing unfinished work, it’s always good to let your individual communities know that the footage is from a PTE session, where you might encounter unfinished items, bugs, and other issues.

For today’s session, ... Read more